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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from all of us at Holistic Mental Health Services to you!.

Today is the day that we get a chance to dress up in costumes, be goofy, and celebrate our time with our friends and families. Today we get to put on masks , get into character, and pretend to be someone else for a day. But, is that really only accurate on Halloween. It seems that many of us spend our everyday donning masks in an effort to hide what we may be feeling, thinking, and most importantly who we are. It is mostly based on the worry and fear of being accepted by others. According to a research study published by the National Institute on Mental Health 40 million adults suffer from anxiety disorders. The question is why are you not walking in your truth? What fear based thoughts are causing you to hide yourself from those you interact with everyday? Has the need for social acceptance overwhelmed you to the point that you have lost your identity? Who are you as a person? Outside of your role as a mother, father, worker, sister, brother, or friend; who are you?

The first step in taking the mask off is being true to yourself. What do you say to yourself when you are by yourself? Maybe you might be saying things like:

1. "No one says anything nice about me. There must be something wrong with me."

2. "I have to do this the right way so __________ can like me."

3. "Everyone else is better than me."

4. "It's not my fault my life is this way."

Have any of these thoughts or anything like it been helpful for you? Have they made you happier? What is making you say these things?

The second step is correcting yourself when you are saying these negative and self-defeating things. Slowly, with practice, you will feel the weight of the mask lifting and you being yourself.

If ever you feel you need help and support, Contact Us!

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